Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Customer Service or Customer Helping?

“Biggest question: Isn’t it really ‘customer helping’ rather than customer service? And wouldn’t you deliver better service if you thought of it that way?” – Jeffery Gitomer

A business’ primary goal should not simply be to sell products. It should be to help customers. If your product or service does not help customers in some capacity, you will find success much harder to come by. Customers have needs to be met, and your job is to meet their needs quickly and with compassion.

There are many ways to help your customers. When they visit your business for the first time, welcome them warmly. Offer to help them find what they are looking for. Answer their questions knowledgably, with consideration for their specific situation. If they only truly need your basic service, selling your premium service with extra features that don’t meet their needs will make them feel pressured and misunderstood.

You can help your customers in other ways as well. Make sure your business is easily accessible to all of your customers, no matter what their physical abilities may be. Help them reach products on high shelves, and carry heavy products to their cars if necessary. Make complicated products and services easy to understand. If your business offers various products with different features, explain them easily to your customers, so they can choose the right one for their situation.

After the sale, send your customers a warm thank you card for their business with you. Let them know that you are still available to help them with their purchase. Offer to help with the correct use of their product, and also let them know if you have a money back guarantee on their purchase, to help them if they change their minds.

If you strive to help your customers at each level of the sales purchase, they will feel comfortable and welcomed at your business. The word of mouth your business will receive will be worth the extra efforts you put forth to help your customers.
This guest post was written by Kimberlee Ferrell of Freedom

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