and constructive imagination
to see how much he can give for a dollar,
instead of how little he can give for a dollar,
is bound to succeed. – Henry Ford
to see how much he can give for a dollar,
instead of how little he can give for a dollar,
is bound to succeed. – Henry Ford
How does a small business owner build trust among customers? By being completely warm, honest, and giving which each interaction with the customer. Whether your customers are looking for information before making a sale, or are ready to purchase today, you can boost their confidence and trust in your business by giving them every reason to trust you. Customers can be wary of big businesses, as they seem cold and distant. Your warm personality and personal interaction with your business can bring customers flocking to your shop, bringing their friends and enjoying their time spent with you.
There are other ways to build trust too. You can send a card to every customer who enters your shop, to thank them for their business and encourage them to return. You could also include a coupon or a special offer in the card, so they can trust that you sincerely want their business. This kind of personal greeting is something that instills trust far better than a generic flyer that big businesses send to everyone on their mailing lists. Your personal thank you can go a long way in building trust, and customers will see you and your business as a genuinely caring place to shop.
Your commitment to building trust and customer service is only limited to your imagination. Every effort in building quality customer service will be rewarded, with happier, more loyal customers, who trust that your business is committed to standing by its word, no matter what.